Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Beary nice! (Bento #3)

Nico's beary nice bento! He had ham and cheese bear sandwiches, green grapes, cheese penguins, his name spelled out of pickles, and 2 mini cupcakes!

I'm not sure why but he hasn't been eating some of the things that he used to eat. For example, he used to eat pickles all the time, but today.... all of these were returned. Oh the mind of a 5 year old!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Simple bento (Bento #2)

This is a simple, FAST bento that I did for Nico. He has ham & cheese triangles, a peeled cutie orange, marshmellows on a sword, penguin crackers, celery sticks with peanut butter and craisens, baby carrots, and broccoli with a container of ranch dressing. I think I packed way too much food for him, but he ate most all of it!

Makes a momma proud!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Here we go! (Bento #1)

This is the first bento since I began to take pictures of our lunches. This was little Nico's lunch. He has an orange and a mini bottle of water on the bottom section. Above that he had everything cubed. Leftover pizza, sweet potato bread, and a granola bar.

He ate most everything that I packed.
The sweet potato bread was made by my mom. It was so good! It is also a sneaky way to get in a portion of veggies! :)


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Beginners bento

     I started officially making bento lunches awhile back. Some friends ask why and how I make them.
I do it because I like making something that I know my family will enjoy. You know that feeling you get when you see your family sit down to enjoy dinner that you made? The looks on their faces when they see that it looks yummy? Well that's what I want to happen when the kids open their bentos at school. Besides, who doesn't enjoy food that actually LOOKS appetizing and fun?

I actually enjoy making their lunches. It isn't a task that I dread. I usually do it after dinner when things are settling down for the evening. I use leftovers from dinner sometimes or I make a trusty PB&J. I basically work with what I've got in the pantry too. It takes 10-15 minutes for me to prep and make bentos for everyone.

In this blog I plan to share my ideas and random thoughts. Welcome, now lets bento!